Why don’t we go out for lunch in Kichijoji?
The nearest station from my college is Kichijoji station. There are many popular and delicious restaurants an…
Everything you need to know about Japan
The nearest station from my college is Kichijoji station. There are many popular and delicious restaurants an…
Most people have difficulty to continue to do one thing,espcially going on a diet. Me,too. However, These apps…
This article introduces games by genre. Each genre describes the characteristics of the game and the goodness …
Have you ever been to Kichijoji? There are a lot of delicious restaurants. This time, I want to introduce some delicious restaurants.
Do you know “Fukuoka”? This is popular place in Japan, so I introduce some good places.
Japan has a wonderful climate where you can clearly feel spring, summer, autumn, and winter. There are probably not many countries other than Japan where you can feel the four seasons all year around. Therefore, this time, I would like to introduce many popular spots in Japan where you can feel the four seasons close to each other.
Have you played or watched badminton? The badminton competition population in Japan is large. In this article,…
When you want to buy coffee beans easily in Japan, my recommendation is KALDI. KALDI sells import food, wine, coffee and so on. You can order many kinds of coffee beans in KLADI. In this description. I tell you how to order coffee beans and recommended coffee beans.