Are you satisfied with your face?^^
Many young Japanese like Purikura. Do you know Purikura? Purikura can take a picture and make a sticker. But i…
Everything you need to know about Japan
Many young Japanese like Purikura. Do you know Purikura? Purikura can take a picture and make a sticker. But i…
Do you know how to get prize well to claw crane? Actually, claw crane become difficult to get a prize recently. So, you should know the tricks if you get prizes easily. I introduce 6 techniques to catch prizes! Among them there are little difficult techniques. but I teach you as easily as possible.
In Japan, many people play crane game to catch prize with friends or family, couple…!! In holiday many Japanese go to game center to forget their care…But Why Japanese like playing crane game? There is some reason there. The site finds out the truth about crane game.
Purikura is Japanese famous photo booth. And there are many kinds of Purikura machine.
Here is information about Purikura.