“Joshidaisei” Life with Instagram.
Instagram is necessary item for female college students and the word “Insta Bae”(インスタ映え) is magic word for the…
Everything you need to know about Japan
Instagram is necessary item for female college students and the word “Insta Bae”(インスタ映え) is magic word for the…
Have you ever heard the word “Purikura”? To put it simply, Purikura is like a photo booth and it i…
Film camera is not dead. Recently in japan, the revival of the disposable film camera “Utsurundesu” is very popular especially among young people. The “写ルンです”(utsurundesu in japanese)tag on Instagram has amassed over 555k posts and counting.
Boba tea is Japanese trend among young people in Japan and it became famous in world wise. However, do you know about how Boba are made? I will introduce why you should drink Boba tea in Japan.