Moving part-time job
Everyone will move at least once in their lives. I’ll introduce moving part-time job.
Everything you need to know about Japan
Everyone will move at least once in their lives. I’ll introduce moving part-time job.
Where is popular Japanese spot for overseas? It is Asakusa!! Of course, it is popular in Japan, and I also go there once a year. So, I introduce 5 best Asakusa Sweets.
Yokosuka has an American base and many Americans. And Perry came and is known as the opening place of Japan. Be not only modern but historically related to the United States. Because of that Yokosuka City has a place you can use dollars in some areas. There are other interesting things like Yokosuka food and Tourist Spot. I would like to introduce them to you.
I want to spread the latest trend of Society! This is 7-person soccer. It also includes an easy way to get involved. Any one can do it!
I love Disneyland and Disneysea. And I want you to enjoy eating when you go to Disney. So I’ll introduce foods bought in the park that I recommend.
There are many delicious cafes in Tokyo. You can find cafes as soon as you walk around the city.
Foreigners who don’t know about Japan will get lost where to use. If this blog of café can help foreign tourist.
There is a food named Natto in Japan. It is traditional Japanese food. Some people hate the smell and stickiness. However, it is very healthy and cheap. So, Natto is perfect food!
McDonald, popular among men and women of a wide range of generations, from children to the elderly.
I will introduce the menu recommended by the clerk.