5 Best Japanese curry restaurants in Kichijoji

In Kichijoji, There are so many good curry restaurants. So it is difficult to choose one from them. Now we introduce 5 curry restaurant we really love.



1 Kugutsusou “くぐつ草“

2 Sajilo cafe

3 LITTLE SPICE “カレー食堂リトルスパイス”

4 piwang “ピワン”

5 Rojiura Curry SAMURAI “ロジウラカレーサムライ“



Japanese curry is becoming popular. You must eat Japanese curry when you visit Japan. In Kichijoji, there are so many good curry restaurants. Kichijoji is a little piece of curry heaven. So it is difficult to choose one from them. Kichijoji is close to Shinjuku. Now we introduce 4 curry restaurants we really love.


1 Kugutsusou “くぐつ草“


The idea of this design comes from a train. The atmosphere is relaxed. Here’s the coffee shop of the long-established. We can enjoy coffee and curry rice.


Mon – Sun:10:00 am – 10:00 pm

Address:〒180-0004 東京都 武蔵野市吉祥寺本町1−7−7 島田ビル B1F

Visit website: http://www.kugutsusou.info

Meal service: Lunch, Dinner


2 Sajilo cafe


It’s seemingly always busy here, but that’s because it is that good. This is the Indian curry shop. Cheerful Nepalese are run here. Eat a curry with a big naan.


Mon, Tue, Thu: 11:30 am – 3:30 pm

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri – Sun: 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm

Fri – Sun:11:30 am – 16:30 pm

Address: 〒180-0004 東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺本町1丁目36−8

Meal service: Lunch, Dinner


3 LITTLE SPICE “カレー食堂リトルスパイス”


LITTLE SPICE might be a bit hard to find because the entrance is located at the second floor. If you’re not good at spicy curry, I recommend this curry restaurant.


Mon – Fri: 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Sat – Sun: 4:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Address:〒180-0004 東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺本町2丁目14−1

Meal service: Dinner

4 piwang “ピワン”


piwang is a small curry restaurant that has a very good reputation. Even though they only have 5 seats available at a time. We can enjoy menu of the day.


Mon – Fri: 12:00 – 3:00 pm, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Sat – Sun: 11:30 am – 4:00 pm

Address: 〒180-0004 東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺本町1−1−4 ハーモニカ横丁内

Visit website: http://piwang.jp

Meal service: Lunch, Dinner

5 Rojiura Curry SAMURAI “ロジウラカレーサムライ“


Rojiura Curry SAMURAI is a restaurant that serves curry rice, and their most popular dish is their lots of vegetables soup curry. They have many kinds of topping menu such as cheese, natto, seafood.


Mon – Sat: 11:30 am – 3:30 pm, 5:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Address: 〒180-0004 東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺本町2丁目2−27−2

Visit website: http://samurai-curry.com

Meal service: Lunch, Dinner