Do you like gummy candies? Gummy candies have been loved by many people for a longtime. there are many kinds of gummy candies and you can buy gummy candies at convenience store.
History of gummy candies
types of grape flavored gummy candy
gummy candy of the topic now
nostalgic gummy candy that don’t sell
my recommend gummy candy
History of gummy candies

I like gummy candy especially, grape flavor. I have been eaten gummy since I was child. Gummy candies that were loved by many people are made for children in Germany at 1922. The first product be commercialized was Haribo, which is still loved. Haribo founder Hans Riegel made Haribo gummy candies to prevent tooth diseases in children with hard sweets. Haribo loved by many countries, bear shaped gummy candies have a lot of flavor taste grape apple raspberry etc…. In particular, grape flavored gummy candies are loved by many people, and the gummy candies currently on sale also have a large amount of grape flavored gummy candies.
types of grape flavored gummy candy

There are soft and hard types of gummy candies. Soft gummy candy like a marshmallow, you can easily bite and tear. Hard gummy candy as elastic as rubber and chewy. Many people choice gummy candy by this texture. There are sour taste and sweet taste of gummy candies, we can classify gummy candy in some types. Most of the sour gummy candies are sour powder around the gummy candies, and most of gummy candies are sweet so, it has the sweet and sour taste peculiar to grape flavor. From the above, it can be classified into four categories. For example, of sour and hard gummy candy is “sawa-zu gummi”, sour and soft ones is “fettuccine gummi”. For instance, of sweet and hard gummy candy is “petagu gummi”, sweet and soft ones is “kazyu gummi”. All of these gummy candies can be bought at convenience store. We can classify other gummy candies in four types.
gummy candy of the topic now

Do you know “bule planet gummi”? It is a gummy candy that is very famous among young people on SNS. Sorry, this gummy type has no grape flavor. It looks just like the earth, and the blue gummy candy contains a red strawberry flavored sauce that looks like magma. It’s hot topic, so it’s not easy to get it now but you can get it online.

The topical gummy candy that you can get at convenience stores is the marshmallow gummy. The name of gummy candy is “Marosh”. It is sour and soft gummy candy but it have elasticity and chewy like marshmallows. This gummy candy is attracting attention on SNS because it changes to marshmallow in 15 seconds.
nostalgic gummy candy that don’t sell

Do you remember “himoQ”? It is a gummy candy that has a very elongated shape like a cord. This gummy candy has length of 126cm so, you can play rope skipping, make a bracelet. You enjoy two flavors with one. The color and taste change in the middle of the cord. There was a kind of cola&soda, muscat&grape flavor. The gummy candy can be classified sweet and soft. It was loved by many people but end of sales in 2019 because the manufacturing equipment has deteriorated. I liked one so I’m very sad. I want to eat “himoQ” once again.
my recommend gummy candy

I like gummy candy especially grape flavor. The gummy candy I recommend is “〇△□gummi”. You can buy it at convenience stores. It is unusual, do you understand after looking at this gummy package? This gummy package has no product name and product description. This package was created in collaboration with a designer, many people are interested in this product. There are three types of shape of circle triangle and square in one pack. The three types have the same taste, but the texture is different so, you enjoy various textures in one pack. I think you can tell by your favorite texture.
Did you like gummy candy? Many gummy candies with different tastes and textures are on sale now, so you will surely find your favorite.
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