Japan has so many convenience stores. Including me Japanese love to use them. They are open 24 hours a day and you can get not only food but also simple living ware even Disney’s ticket.

You will find all stores, which I picked in this blog, easily when you came to Japan. We have original stores in each country side and even I’ve never been some of them, so I’m going introduce 3 stores that you could find any place in Japan and 2 extra stores.
I recommend to buy rice ball at convenience store.
Rice ball is known as Onigiri in Japan and they have much taste and variation. We eat Onigiri as American eat sandwich or hamburger. Each store’s products are original, so their taste is so different even the flavour is same.
Try each store’s taste and select your number 1.
1 Family Mart
2 Seven Eleven
3 Lawson
4 Natural Lawson
5 Mini Stop
Family Mart

Family Mart has 16,700 stores in Japan. |
No3. Famima Frappe

Famima Frappe is seasonal original product. This is kind of frozen drink. Every season new flavour released. Almost 300 yen all.
No2. Rocky Stick puff
This is crispy cream puff.
You will surprise with creamy custard and crispy chunks.

No1. Side dish of お母さん食堂

This series has much variety. All from the picture can get at Family Mart. Just by warming in the microwave, you will taste Japanese home cooking.

Seven Eleven

No3. Grilled chicken stick

this type of grilled chicken is called Yakitori. Adults love to eat this with beer, students love to eat for snack. Many convenience store has this but seven eleven’s one is really popular.
No2. American dog

This snack really similar to corn dogs in the USA. However, we use flour instead of corn powder. Eat with ketchup and mustard. Familiar food for Japanese and I also love this so much.

No1.Seven café

According to the research targeting over 1,000 people, most delicious coffee of convenience store is Seven Eleven.
Seven Eleven have partnered with supermarket, so they have huge production skills.
Because of it they are able to make this cheap and delicious.

No.3 Uchi cafe ice cream

This is Lawson original ice cream. Uchi means home in Japanese, so uchi café’s concept is “make your home café”.
This series are not only ice cream and they are targeting young women. I love this series of ice cream so I chose for no.3.
No.2 Meat bun
You will see meet bun in every convenience store but Lawson’s meet bun is so unique. There’s so many seasonal products and character collaborated bun.
You can get unique bun if you’re lucky.

No.1 Salad chicken

This series are very popular among young woman especially
who are on a diet. Easy to ingest high protein in low calorie. There are much variety of flavor so you can choose your favorite one. It’s good to put in salad or soup.
Natural Lawson

Natural Lawson existing only in Tokyo, Kanagawa prefecture, Chiba prefecture and Saitama prefecture. It is sister brand of Lawson and have special concept.
The concept is “eco-friendly for the earth and for the people”. So that they use eco-friendly light and they support the
Developing countries and there are many other things they do for the earth. Also this store has much healthy foods, gluten free products, foreign organic staffs, low calorie foods e,t,c.

Unusually this store placed so many wines and organic
beer. There also have original natural foods or bakery so you should try some.

Mini Stop

Mini stop is normal convenience store but their seasonal sweets are most delicious of any other convenience store’s sweets. Especially I recommend fondant chocolat.
But this product is only sold in Winter. I also recommend other
cold sweets or hot snacks that sold next to cash register.
Pudding parfait

Hashed potato with black pepper

At Last
I introduce 5 stores but there are about 70 species of convenience stores in Japan. Even same brand, each store has characteristics. For example, they sold local vegetables.
On the whole, it can be said that Japanese convenience store has high quality of taste so I hope you like it.