Manner of Tokyo’s train

When you ride on Tokyo’s trains, you should pay attention to some points. Do you know the manner of riding it? Let’s learn it in order not to humiliate.



  1. Buying tickets

  2. Get on the train- Reach to your destination

  3. Get off the train


(From トラベルWatch JR東日本、東京総合車両センターを一般公開「夏休みフェア2016」開催


You need to buy tickets when you get on the train. If you have a IC card or an one day ticket, you can skip this section. There are ticket vending machines around ticket gates. Before using it, you need to check the bill to get a destination. Look up at up of the vending machines.


(From 東京近郊 JR 路線図


There is a route map. You find your destination’s name in it. (Be careful, English is so small.) The number under the name is your bill. Lastly, you go to the vending machine and push your bill and number of people. You can use easily if you push “English” button.

(From JR-East GUIDE


You should understand some points when you get on the train.


1 Tokyo’s train can crowd easily. Especially, 7:00〜9:00 and 18:00〜20:00 on weekday are too bad so that you should avoid.(Why didn’t they wait a next train? The answer is easy. That train is also crowd hardly!)



    (From 日刊SPA! 満員電車のストレスは「本物の戦場以上」。サラリーマンたちの通勤事情


 2 Hold your backpack in the train. You can make an aisle a man can pass.


 3 Don’t sit on the floor. Most of Japanese feel unpleasant.


 4 It is breach of manners talk in a loud voice. You mustn’t talk on your phone. You should try to spend quietly.


(From 親鸞に学ぶ幸福論 携帯電話のマナー違反の中でもこれは特に嫌がられる携帯電話のマナー違反の中でもこれは特に嫌がら)


 5 The first carriage is woman only in weekday morning.  Guys, please notice why you are looked from around people when all other people are women.


(From Wikipedia 日本の女性専用車両日本の女性専用車両)


 6 You should get off each time you arrive at the station if you stand by doors because of making an aisle. Never work hard to against the wave of people.



You need some a little of technique when you get off when the train is crowd. If someone stands in front of you, you say “Sumi-masen!”(Excuse me!) ”Ori-masu!” (I’m getting off!) and push his or hers body softly.