Tennis is
said to be a gentleman’s sport because tennis born as entertainment for British
However, some players take rough actions such as breaking the rackets.
I introduce what kind of player is the famous Nick Kyrgios among them.
What’s Nick Kyrgios like
1 What’s Nick Kyrgios like?
2 Why is he called a spoiled brat?
3 Will fines be taken?
4 He is amazing tennis player
5 Under serve is meanness? or faithful?
6 Conclusion
1 What’s Nick Kyrgios like?
Do you know Nick Kyrgios? If you are playing tennis or interesting tennis, you would know him. If not, you would know Nishikori Kei.

Nick Kyrgios is professional male tennis player from Australia in Canberra.
He reached Top 8 at Wimbledon in 2014 and at Australian Open in 2015, and so on. So, he has many got good result and he had the highest world ranking at 13th. He is a good athlete but he is called a spoiled brat.
Why is he called it despite being such a top player?
2 Why is he called a spoiled brat?
He is of a violent temper and says bad things. For example, during the match, he uttered abusive words for the referee and threw a racket at the audience.
And, he often breaks the racket when he doesn’t like something.

However, it is bad to say but he is not saying anything wrong.
I think his rant is very humorous. For example, when he is playing a tennis match, he complained about the cameraman’s shutter sounds.
He has such a conversation about cameraman.
“I’m bringing a camera that’s the size of a tennis racket to the court and it’s pretty sunny, so maybe the lens is shining into their eyes on earth maybe”, he said. He has a sense of humor.
For this reason, he is called a spoiled brat.
3 Will fines be taken?
Some tennis players break the racket when they don’t like something.
Will the player who does the act be fined?
In the case of Nishikori, the contract with Wilson states that “If you intentionally destroy the racket, you will pay a penalty equivalent to 10% of the contract fee”.
So, if he destroys one, it will be a penalty of 25 million yen. In the case of Kyrgios, for example, he paid fine to the Professional Men’s Tennis Association (ATP) that the total price was $113,000 (about 12 million yen) due to the fact that it was extremely hot in the game, destroyed two rackets, and showed a spiting frying phrase that was abusive to the referee.

This is not the only Kyrgios fine. He showed impatient play and had fined a total of $16,500 (about 1.7 million yen), due to unprofessional behavior. Stop participating in the tournament and fine of $25,000 (about 2.6 million yen), and so on. He has received countless fines.
4 He is amazing tennis player
First of all, my point is that Kyrgios is the best server in the world because He hits the second fastest 226km/h serve in the world and the average speed of his first serve is the highest in the world. Top players Novak Djokovic and “Andy” Murray also said his serve is the best serve in the world.
And, he is a technician. His play attracts the audience and outwits the opponent by dropping shots, feints, crotch shots, counter shots, and so on.

Under serve is my favorite play of his fascinating plays but Underserve is often criticized.
Why is under serve criticized.

5 Under serve is meanness? or faithful?
Tennis is said to be a gentleman’s sport. So, you need to respect your opponent.
In the case of under serve, some people think that it is an action performed by a beginner. In other words, that is insulting the opponent. Is that absolute?
I think that under serve is good strategy because you can do something quite unexpected. In Wimbledon that is one of the four major tennis games, Kyrgios took a service ace with underserve. The event happened when Kyrios was playing Nadal, Nadal take warning Kyrgios serve and went down a little.
Then, Kyrgios who saw it, dropped the ball near the net by the underserve.

I think he can only play with his strong serve. If the 226km/h serve came on average, everyone would go down. It’s only natural to drop it near the net.
It’s a strategy that puts pressure on your opponents and confuses them.
What do you think? Under serve is meanness or faithful?

6 Conclusion
He is of a violent temper and says bad things. So, he often pays a fine and stop participating in the tournament but Kyrgios is the best server in the world. I hope he will one day win the titles of the four major competitions.
And, you have changed your mind about Underserve and Kyrios.
If your opponent goes down, why don’t you try underserving? Maybe you can get points.
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