Most people have difficulty to continue to do one thing,espcially going on a diet. Me,too. However, These apps are very useful, funny and easy to use, so you can also continue to do exercise.
Today, I want to introduce grate 3 apps to enjoy exercise everyday! If you know these apps, you will install and be into them soon!
3.”Himesama, ‘taijyuusokutei’noojikanndesu”
4.Common point of 3 apps

This app is very convenient to manage quantity of water. Recently, I often hear that drinking water is goot to go on a diet and detox. However, it is a little difficult to measure and manage quantity of water myself. Therefore, this app is helpful! I will introducde about what is so good.
At first, you can check the rest of water’s quantity like this picture, if you don’t open this app. It is good to check!
Secondly, when you record, the way of operation is very symple. So that, you can continue without spasmodic worker(Mikkabouzu).
Thirdly, it has remind function and you can set alarm. So that, if you are busy, you will never forget! Moreover, you can also set about how much water do you drink. These are superior function!

2.Hutoshi no heya(Hutoshi’s room)
When you use this app, you can do excersize with smart phone and it count and record your muscle training, so it easy to start and continue! In addition, if you can continue to do exercize with smart phone, this app’s character will be also lose weight and cool and you can choose his clothes to use point from your exercize. It means you can do exercize as a game!

On this app, there is a main character and his name is Hutoshi. He is a little fat and his characteristic is not good because of his body.

However, if you can do exercize continuously, Hutoshi become handsome and his room will be clean and updated. So that it become your motivation! Conversely, if you neglect, Hutoshi and his room will also be fat and dirty. Continuation is very important!

At second, you can save exercize medal to buy clothes for Hutoshi! As Hutoshi become handsome and stylish, choosing clothes for him become fun. I can recommend this app to people who like caring game of handsome boy. This structure will up motivation more!

In regard to kinds of exercize, there are 4 simple menu, “push-up”, “upper arm”, “stomach”, “thighs”. You can choose menu from them. Before you start, you can decide your target count and if you can achieve the goal, you will get point and medal. I think you will also the sence of accomplishment!

↑4 exercize menu ↑This is “push-up” menu!
3.”Himesama, ‘taijyuusokutei’noojikanndesu”
On this app, you can know your appropriate weight and decide target weight! So that, you can go on a diet sefely and in an organized way. It is very important!

→From up :1 appropriate weight, 2 ideal weight, 3past Cinderella weight, 4 beauty weght, 5 Cinderella weight
Secondly,you can set alarm on this app, too. I think there are busy day for you, and you may forget to measure weight. Then, this system will be helpful thing! Generally, measuring weight in the morning is the best. Howeber, you can also record at night, so you can set alarm twice in a day! From this, you can find about eating too much.

4. common point of 3 apps(conclusion)
What do you think about these 3 apps? Can you find nice apps and get helpful imformation? If you are lazzy and person who have difficulty to do somethimg continuously, these apps will suit you! This is because I am also lazy person. I think the common point of 3 apps is that the system is very simple. To continue for a long time, it is the most important! I want you find good apps to be your life better. Have a nice life!
Thank you for reading to here!