Now, the popularity of the crane game increases in Japan!! And there are a lot of an enthusiastic fan of crane game. It’s traditional culture in Japan. But why Japanese like playing crane game? Actually, there are some reason there…
What is crane game?
Crane game is traditional culture
Crane game have many enthusiastic fans!
A lot of attractive prize!
How much money?
The impregnable setting at crane game…
What is crane game?
Now, the popularity of the crane game increases in Japan!! And there are a lot of an enthusiastic fan of crane game. It’s traditional culture in Japan. But what is crane game? When crane game born?

the crane game is a very popular amusement center! there are a lot of game centers in Tokyo! these are very crowded with many people. and there are many game machines in the game center such as crane games and arcades, medal games….
Among them, crane game is attracting attention!

「move the crane game to win prize!」
It is so simple, but it is so profound game!
We think how to catch the prize considering the weigh and shape of prize. the players who play Claw crane are serious to play it. I want to, I want to say respectfully that they are “modern samurai”!

And in recently, a service that you enjoy crane game in the house with app is starting(toreba). you get the app to app store.
When you win the prize, the prize is delivered to your house.
Crane game is traditional culture

In 1960, the claw crane emerged in Japan. the prize was almost candy or cookie. So, it was not very famous. But after 20 years, when the prize change from cheap goods to stuffed animals, crane game started to become popular.

In 2000 it appears various crane game. and the name of crane game spread among Japan. And in 2010 game center become a place of rest and relaxation. we go to game center with friends or family…. Claw crane evolve with us.
Heading 3 Crane game have many enthusiastic fans!
In Japan, there are a lot of people fascinated by crane game. If the 1mm crane shift, the movement of the prize change. today, the popularity of claw crane is increasing, such as the contest being held.
In YouTube, a lot of Japanese upload the video which play crane game. Among them “turunaka” is particularly famous. They take a lot of prizes by their advanced skill. “turunaka” is called top claw crane players in japan.

the thrill of winning prize is wonderful! Today, the name of crane game spread in also overseas. but I hope foreign will challenge crane game in japan where the home of that!
The impregnable setting at crane game…
In game center, there are many crane games. Among that, there are impregnable setting occasionally. If you don’t know correct way to control crane, you cannot win the prize at long time.

And there are many shapes called “deadlock”in crane game. “deadlock” means condition that the prize does not move even if you move the crane. When it becomes deadlock, you have better give up. you lost a lot of money as soon as you play crane game unplanned.

So, I recommend you imagine how to move this prize in your head. the ability to judge whether you can get is very important. and you maybe can get advice if you call the clerk.
How much money?
When you go to game center, I recommend you take near 2000yen. it different the money of 1 play by game center(usually 100yen~200yen). if you have less money, you can’t get the prize that you want. it would be safe to take a little more money.

when you enter game center, you make a round of game center to see prizes. and your purpose was clearly. it connects not to waste of money.
The impregnable setting at crane game…
there are many attractive prizes in crane game. For example, there are animal or anime plush toys and radio controllers, camera…. these are change about every week. and recently the prize that usually does not sell are appearing.

the information that are about new prize appear the official site of game center. so, you check it before you go to game center.

this is Harry potter’s goods (the golden snitch). the prize is so high quality that can’t be thought prize.

this is Splatoon goods! Splatoon is Nintendo game and it is so popularity in the abroad! it doesn’t sell usually, so many people want it!
Claw crane is so exciting and fantastic! when you come to Japan, I recommend you go to game center! the article was about what is claw crane. Next article will be written the way to catch prize!!